Saturday, December 11, 2010

So much time, so little to do... I mean, so little much, so time to... Gah...

So, I realize my last post hasn't been for some time now... Pic related.

Life's been... busy...

But things have slowed down a little bit before the final push for... um... finals... Um... should've thought that one through I suppose... Wow... Look at all these ellipses... ...


S0, yeah, I'm going to attempt to have an actual post up in the next few days, hopefully something in the Rosary Project.

This is all speculation, of course. Next week is finals week...

Oh no... more ellipses... They're after me!!!!!!!!!

In case you haven't noticed, I've lost several sanity points over the last few weeks. It's a little like playing Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem with the sanity at zero. The worst is when the blue screen and the flies start. Stupid BSOD.

Okay, time for sleep, probably. I'll be back. Hopefully.