Monday, November 7, 2016


So I was talking with my buddies Paul and Matt the other day, and Paul was all,

Where, O death, is your sting?

Oh man. You have no idea how hard it was for me to not sarcastically retort, "It's in my heart, Paul, where do you think it is?"

Well, okay, so I was listening to Matt Maher's Christ is Risen, which references Paul's 1 Corinthians 15.54-55 taunt at the wages of sin:

Death is swallowed up in victory.
Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?

Friday, August 26, 2016

There is Hope, Even in Loss

This is a pretty brief note, I want to share a new ministry that I've had the honor of being a part of for the last year or so. We have finally launched our website, Hope In Loss DSM is an independent ministry for those grieving the loss of a pregnancy, infant, or child in the womb, supported by the Diocese of Des Moines, Iowa.

While we do particularly minister to Southwestern Iowa, we hope that the resources we share are helpful to anyone who is experiencing a loss, or wondering how they can help their friend or family member who has miscarried, received a terminal diagnosis, had a child born still, or lost their newborn or infant. We are always expanding our resources section, and will gladly take suggestions.

Not in or near the Diocese of Des Moines, but still want to help out? Pray! When we lost Gabriel, we were sustained by the prayers of the community - your prayers are effective! Also, call your parish or diocesan office, and find out what sort of ministry they have to women and couples experiencing pregnancy loss, miscarriage, infant death, or any similar loss. If they don't have one, maybe God is calling you to help start it in your diocese?

Thank you for your prayers and support, for us as we support those grieving the loss of a pregnancy, infant, or child in the womb; and for the couples, for the mothers and fathers, the brothers and sisters whose lives will never be the same.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

God Has Healed

Who is like God?

God is my strength.

God has healed.

Before we were even married, the Mrs. and I had chosen these three names for our first three boys. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, the three Archangels named in the bible. On the first of the month, our third "angel boy" was born, a healthy and beautiful 7lbs 12.5oz, 20.5in. Mama and baby are doing great, and we couldn't be happier. But our little Raphael has a birth story he will never live down!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

On Mowing the Lawn

Who knew that mowing the lawn could be so inspirational?

Our lawn desperately needed it. Heck, it desperately needed it 3 weeks ago. Through various scheduling issues with the guy who normally takes care of trimming my lawn, he hadn't been by to do it, and I hadn't had the time. Fast forward to probably a month since it should have been done, and it was not a pretty picture.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

A Familial Proposition

There is a shocking proposition in Amoris Laetitia which my friend brought to my attention in just about the most interesting way imaginable: a question.

Specifically, this question:

Is he saying we basically turn ourselves into whores!!??

And it's profoundly worse than that, which we will explore in a minute. First let's take a look at the question that spurred this reaction.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Expecting Easter

It's hard to believe. Tuesday of Holy Week already. Where has all the time gone? Where has Lent gone?

This time of the year, I almost always feel like I've somehow "wasted" my Lent, not given it the attention it deserves. But perhaps that's not so bad - if I could fix my sinful nature in the span of 40 days, then I would be lying to myself. So perhaps Holy Week is a chance to acknowledge the good and the bad alike, to give thanks for the grace of conversion, and to beg for more grace as a sinner in need of Mercy.

But that's not the point of my thoughts today. One of the "Goods" this Lent was a thought I had a few weeks back regarding fasting, penances, and Sunday.

For those of you unaware, Sundays are not actually a part of Lent. They are Sundays in Lent, not Sundays of Lent. And I can prove it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Yes, but what is Mercy?

We make a mistake if we attempt to read Pope Francis as a philosopher in the manner of Pope Saint John Paul the Great, and likewise err if we attempt to read him as a theologian in the manner of Pope Benedict XVI. However, we similarly make a mistake if we consider our reigning Pontiff to be soft, weak, ignorant, or naive. He is, after all, a Jesuit.

Which is why I propose that we rename this year from the Jubilee Year of Mercy to the Jubilee Year of Jesuit Cunning.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I Stand Alone?

"If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don't like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself."

Recently I was a little more blunt than usual with a friend. We were discussing religion and attending different churches, and he said that for him he'll go so long as they're "Sola Scriptura." We were in a group, so he turned to me and said, "You know what that means, right?"

I stand alone on the Word of God...?

"Sure," I said. "It's wrong, but I know what it means."

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Perceiving the Essential

It seems that many people take umbrage with the phrase, "Happy Holidays." (You may take umbrage with me posting about Christmas after Christmas, but 'Tis the Season until the 12th day, so deal with it.) I don't know if that many people are really offended, or if a handful of offendees are magnified for the sake of The Narrative, but in any case it strikes me as silly.

Protestantism isolates Christmas, and the secular world expands it into a month-long avarice and gluttony fueled spendfest, but in reality there are many Holidays (Holy Days) celebrated in this season alongside Christmas. With Saint Nicholas, the Immaculate Conception (Patroness of the U.S.A.), Our Lady of Guadalupe (Patroness of the Americas), Gaudete Sunday, the Holy Innocents, the Holy Family, Mary Mother of God (Patroness of the Universal Church), we really should not take offense at the phrase "Happy Holidays," but rather be reminded of the vast array of Holidays and Holy Days to celebrate.